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Children's Rights Research
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Outreach activities
An important goal of the Children's Rights Research projects is to make a positive change for children. To this purpose, we actively engage in many different outreach activities. Discover a collection of relevant activities by our research team now.
Lecture | Muradyan, M. (2024) "Participation of Child Advocates in Armed Conflict". Studium Generale, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. & Tüylüoglu, N. (2024) “Born in a non-existent place?: Towards inclusive global rights protection for children living in de facto states”. Summer School Frontiers of Children’s Rights 2024, Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2024) “Towards inclusive rights protection beyond the state-centric system”. Toogdag of the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2024) “Children’s Rights in Unrecognised States”. UNICEF Student Team Maastricht, Amnesty International Maastricht Students.
Conference | PART 1 - ONLINE (2023). "International Conference on Realising Children's Development Rights in De Facto States". Children from De Facto States took the lead in the event, sharing their firsthand experiences and expressing their requests.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2023) "Presentation of research on children’s rights in the West Bank (Palestinian and Israeli-settler children)". Law and Development Research Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. & Guleid Ahmed Jama (2023) "Human Rights of Children Living in Unrecognised States". SOAS University London, the United Kingdom.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2022) "Will the real (local) customary law please stand up?". 7th Global Meeting of Law and Society Association, Lisbon.
Lecture | Jama, G.A. (2022) "Human rights advocacy in Africa: White Saviourism or genuine support?". Guest lecture Bachelor of Global Studies, Maastricht University.
Lecture | Jama, G.A. & Hopman, M.J. (2022) "Children's Rights in Practice". UNICEF Student Team Maastricht & Students for Amani.
Lecture | Jama, G.A. & Hopman, M.J. (2022) "The Rights of Children". Amnesty International Maastricht Students & UNICEF Student Team Maastricht.
Presentation | Jama, G.A. (2021) “Introducing PhD Research on Children's Rights in Somaliland.” Rako Institute, Hargeisa, Somaliland.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. & Smajić, T. (2021) "Are parents allowed to (lightly) spank their children? When different legal systems provide different answers". Law open air festival, Maastricht University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2021) "Children's Rights". Studium Generale Maastricht University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2021) "Children's Rights Research in Conflict Zones". Law Talks Series, Maastricht University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2020) "Studying the rights of children living in the Sahrawi refugee camps (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)". UNICEF Student Team Maastricht.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2020) "Camille: Central African Republic". AIMS and Lumière Cinema.
Discussant | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "How anonymous is "anonymous"?". Seminar FAIR data: handling research data ethically and with integrity.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "Empirical research of (legal) norms related to children's rights violations". Law and Development Research Network Conference, Berlin.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "The child’s right to Republic of Cyprus nationality for children living in northern Cyprus". World Conference on Statelessness, The Hague.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "The child's right to nationality in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus". Leiden University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "Het recht op onderwijs door de ogen van kinderen". Onderwijsraad, Den Haag.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2019) "Looking at law through children's eyes: legal pluralism and the child's right to education in the Netherlands". Children's rights research group, Leiden University.
Theatre | Daan Draait, Hopman, M.J. (2018-2019) "MY CAR". Performed at different high schools in the Netherlands.
Presentation | Coomans, F. (2018) "Rights-Based Governance: the Need for Strong State Obligations to Protect Human Rights in an Era of Globalisation". Conference: Rights-Based Governance, Participatory Democracy and Accountability, East-London, South Afri
Presentation | Coomans, F. (2018) "Moving Towards the Full Realization of the right to Education: the Relevance and Importance of Article 13 ICESCR". Seminar: Symposium on the Progressive Introduction of Free Education, Tokyo.
Lecture | Coomans, F. & Hopman, M.J. (2018) "The child's right to education". ELSA & Unicef Student Association Maastricht.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2018) "Making a difference? Sharing research results with the relevant community". Societal engagement event, Maastricht University.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2018) "Deleted off the map? The child's right to nationality in the TRNC". Statelessness workshop, Tilburg Univeristy.
Presentation | Guleid Ahmed Jama & Hopman, M.J. (2023) "Human Rights of Children Living in Unrecognised States". SOAS University of London.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J., Borne, A.E. & Çolak, E. (2018) "Deleted off the map: the child's right to nationality in northern Cyprus". Home for cooperation, Cyprus.
Presentation | Borne, A.E. & Hopman, M.J. (2018) "What are the rights of children born of international students in the TRNC?". Vois, Cyprus.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2018) "The child's right to nationality in an unrecognized state". Third conference of the Law and Development Research Network: INTERFACES, Leiden University.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. & de Vocht, D. (2018) "You are a child if the judge says you are: the child/adult divide in Dutch criminal law". Conference on Law, Science and Rationality, Maastricht University.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2018) "Going back. Sharing research. Making a difference?". Pechakucha Maastricht.
Presentation| Hopman, M.J. (2018) "The child's right to nationality in the TRNC". Tilburg Univeristy.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "The (In)existence of Legal Orders in the Central African Republic". Soas University, London.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) (keynote speaker) "Van Leerplicht naar Leerrecht". Conferentie Thuiszitters, Amsterdam.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "Children's rights: seeing through the eyes of children". Festival of Pleasure, Arts and Sciences, Maastricht.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "CAR: can we listen to young people’s voices, even when they conflict with adult’s interests?". Panel discussion Being young in times of conflict. Leiden University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "The child's right to education in the CAR". UNICEF student team Maastricht.
Presentation | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "Children's rights, legal pluralism and corporal punishment in Central African Republic's classrooms". International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, Porto.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "Legal pluralism and children’s rights". Leiden University.
Lecture | Hopman, M.J. (2017) "Recht op onderwijs in de CAR". High school, Harlingen.
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