Wanted: Student-assistant to support Children’s Rights Research at Maastricht University
As part of the Maastricht University Children’s Rights Research platform (see www.childrensrightsresearch.com), we are looking for a student assistant to assist management with organisational and practical tasks. In particular, the student will support the call for funding process (see more below). The position requires around 4hrs of work per week, for a period of 6 months.
Start date: January 2025
The overall project
The Children’s Rights Research platform is an online platform shares the work of a research collective working on children’s rights. While we work on a diversity of projects, what these have in common is that all projects aim to involve children themselves as much as possible and create social change by sharing the research findings with the relevant community. See: www.childrensrightsresearch.com
As part of this project, the Children’s Rights Research fund publishes an annual call for funding, offering grants of up to €2.500 for education projects and up to €5.000 for research projects related to children’s rights. You can find more information about the call here.
What will you do?
As a student assistant, your main task will be to organise the call for funding: sharing it on social media channels, promoting it mainly among UM staff and students, answering questions people may have via email, managing the “matchmaking” part of the project where external children’s rights actors may seek to match with UM researchers (staff or students) to collaborate on a project (see funding information mentioned above).
We are looking for a candidate with the following qualifications:
- Affinity with children’s rights research
- Excellent level of English
- Strong organisational and communication skills
- Is a student at Maastricht University
- Is able to combine an on average 4-hour work week (some weeks a bit more hours than others) with their studies
- Experience with managing a website and/or social media publications is preferred
- The candidate is either a EU citizen, or has a EU residence permit + work permit. The candidate has Dutch healthcare insurance.
Conditions of employment
You will work on average 4 hours per week. Some weeks there is more work than other weeks. Arranging the work is flexible, and will be done together with your supervisor (Marieke Hopman). This means that if you indicate in advance that a certain week is very busy for you, e.g. because you have exams, you can take time off and compensate another week (or use leave hours). You will be employed at the university through interUM (https://www.interum.eu/nl) and earn a standard wage for UM student assistants (exact wage depends on year of study). You do not have to be present in Maastricht, because the work can be done online. However, it would be preferred if it is possible to sometimes meet in person.
To apply, please send your CV and a short motivation (max 1 A4) to