Study along on children's rights Pospisil's legal systems & legal levels Text: Pospisil, L. (1967) ‘Legal Levels and Multiplicity of Legal Systems in Human Societies’, in...
Study along on children's rights Rechtsbewustzijn van kinderen in Panama Tekst: v.d. Kroon, C. (2015) ‘“Costa Rica is preti!”: Het rechtsbewustzijn van inheemse, Panamese...
Study along on children's rights The child's right to an identity Text: Ronen, Y. (2004) ‘Redefining the child’s right to identity’, International Journal of Law, ...
Study along on children's rights The role of children in relation to family migration & reunion in the Netherlands Text: van Walsum, S. (2011) ‘Sex and the regulation of belonging: Dutch family migration policies...
Study along on children's rights The objectification of children in the global sex trade Text: O’Connell Davidson, J. (2005) Children in the Global Sex Trade. Pages 25-36, 39-42. Int...
Study along on children's rights The ethics of participatory research with children Last study group we focused on the how we can evaluate the role of child participation. When chil...
Study along on children's rights How can we evaluate child participation? In childhood research and children's rights research, as with people who work directly with child...