Right to education in the Netherlands Without social interaction it can't be done This interview in VOS/ABB magazine, on the previous case study (right to education in the Netherl...
Right to education in the Netherlands De leerrechtambtenaar: concrete uitwerking Eén van de belangrijke aanbevelingen van mijn onderzoek "(W)elk kind heeft recht op onderwijs?" i...
Right to education in the Netherlands Teaching in Denmark #2: inclusion and the authoritative system Today I taught my second lesson of philosophy in a Danish public school. I teach two very differe...
Right to education in the Netherlands Teaching in Denmark #1 Dear all, The coming week I will be teaching philosophy in Denmark, and I intend to write about ...
Right to education in the Netherlands Een school voor kinderen die niet naar school kunnen? Vandaag was ik te gast bij de particuliere school "Maupertuus" in Driebergen. Op deze schoo...
Right to education in the Netherlands Duizenden kinderen thuis zonder onderwijs: persbericht PERSBERICHT: Volgens het VN-Kinderrechtenverdrag heeft ieder kind recht op onderwijs, maar in N...
Right to education in the Netherlands Discussing children's right to education with children Yesterday I gave a lecture (mostly a conversation really) for children about children's rights. I...